1. Senate considers flood insurance reforms as program faces another deadline
  2. Bill will boost low-income tax credit availability
  3. Fannie's CEO contemplates a future after government conservatorship
  4. Congress approves funding to avert US government shutdown
  5. Congress could play bigger regulatory role in a post-Chevron world

Joey Rault is the chief revenue officer of Codat.

January 30
2025 Top Producers.jpg

Submit your production volume from last year to be considered among the top in your field. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 28, so don't dally!

January 22
2 Min Read

Those who raced ahead of the pack of loan originators last year went the distance by offering exceptional customer service, catering to niche pockets of demand in the market.

April 15
17 Min Read
Best Mortgage Companies to Work For 2025