RBC Pays Almost $11 Million to Settle FHA Loan Allegations

Canada's RBC Mortgage Co. has agreed to pay the United States more than $10.7 million to resolve allegations arising under the False Claims Act concerning 219 Federal Housing Administration loans, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The government had alleged that, between 2001 and 2005, the subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada falsified documentation in support of loan applications, violated due diligence underwriting requirements and improperly submitted loans for endorsement by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that were not eligible for FHA insurance. "The settlement reached between RBC and the United States resolves these allegations," the DoJ said. In addition to the settlement, RBC also has agreed to pay $264,000 to resolve administrative claims with respect to 39 federally insured loans, according to the Justice Department.

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