When UniversalCIS and Credit Plus merged last October to create the
The new name,
They chose the root word, exact, because "our business is about precision, data and accuracy," said Perry Steiner, chairman and CEO. "You have 'us,' which is our partnership with our clients and our partnership with our employees."
Using a word that starts with an X is also another unique feature. The new double X logo also brings in the partnership element.
"It sounds like you should put an exclamation point at the end of the word," Steiner exclaimed. "So all those things but the most important part of it was being bold, being innovative, being different and challenging the status quo, and that's what our brand is about."

The UniversalCIS name was a rebrand itself, combining the names of two companies put together in
"Our business is about innovation," he said. "And it's about bringing together a full suite of verification solutions in ways that they have not historically been brought together in the past."
The company is working on integrating the various offerings into a full product suite of verification solutions. And that's why it's important to rename and it's not just a renaming," Steiner said. "It's really a different approach to the industry and a different approach to our sector overall."
Even though the new corporate identity is effective immediately, Xactus plans a gradual retirement of all the legacy brands, except for that of appraisal technology company
Operational reasons involving mortgage origination systems are why those legacy names will not be retired overnight, Steiner explained.
While the component companies now making up Xactus have been in business 30 years or more (one company, Advantus, goes back 75 years), the new branding helps to create a new internal mindset. Rather than referring to their old brands, the employees now have "one flag going forward… reflecting that what's going to make us successful going forward is not necessarily what's made us successful in the past," Steiner said.