Credit Suisse First Boston, New York, has agreed to buy 100% of the outstanding stock of SPS Holding Co. and its subsidiary, Select Portfolio Servicing, for $144.4 million.SPS, a major servicer of nonprime mortgage loans, is being acquired from the PMI Group, FSA Portfolio Management, and Greenrange Partners. Under the agreement, CSFB will make future contingency payments of up to $39.9 million for mortgage loans currently serviced by SPS on behalf of third parties. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter. SPS services collateral underwritten by CSFB, and CSFB said it plans to integrate SPS into its mortgage securities business. SPS was formerly known as Fairbanks Capital Corp.
The age of homes, moving preferences and weather risks are all playing a role in the direction of growth prospects for the remodel and renovation industry.
19m ago -
Headlines over real estate sales policies, as well as economic upheaval, are having a negative impact on how insiders are seeing the market today.
6h ago -
After the Federal Reserve moved to slow the pace of quantitative tightening, the Fed chair floated the idea of continuing to allow mortgage-backed securities to roll off its books even after the central bank has met its monetary policy objectives in reducing its balance sheet.
8h ago -
The lender says its technology will supercharge scale, preventing a potential hiring and firing spree which doomed it after the recent refinance boom.
10h ago -
A former COO at Marlin Mortgage claims the servicer transferred an MSR portfolio to a new subservicer not to benefit the investor, but for the gain of the company's CEO.
11h ago -
Rising insurance costs are leading providers and condo associations to consider changes to policies that would make some loans ineligible for GSE sale.
March 19