- Sep 9-10, 2024|San Diego, CA
Quantitative tightening has helped to keep mortgage rates elevated, but new concerns over how it impacts market liquidity could lead the Fed to end the program.
A blog post from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau cited data from the pandemic refi boom to show Blacks and Hispanics had limited opportunity to drop their interest rate.
September 18 -
Changes to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards include allowing the building of two-to-four family units on a permanent basis.
September 17 -
The equity infusion into a multimillion-dollar vehicle for co-investment in mortgage servicing rights suggests there may be continuity in a trend as rates shift.
September 17 -
The defendant is accused of defaulting on several properties, bought alongside partner companies with names like Satan or Lucifer Management Corps.
September 17 -
Sen. Tim Scott's housing bill calls for Congress to play more of a role in reviewing public intervention in housing while reforming or expanding certain programs.
September 17
Those who raced ahead of the pack of loan originators last year went the distance by offering exceptional customer service, catering to niche pockets of demand in the market.
These are the best of the best, the nation's 50 most productive mortgage originators by dollar volume.
Originators are wary of fading rates heating up home prices and reducing inventory for prospective buyers.
September 24 -
While the lock-in effect on existing supply has helped drive consumer interest in new construction, first-time buyers have been taking a greater share of that inventory.
September 23 -
MV Realty has offered real-estate contracts that call for consumers to trade upfront cash for long-term home sale restrictions, potentially hampering mortgages.
September 23 -
Building on a prior initiative, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta is making available $5 million in grants to support efforts to assist owners of heirs' property.
September 23 -
In the non-prime pool, owner-occupied properties account for most of the assets, at 55.1%; the amount of investor properties represents 41.6% of the deal.
September 23