Having a loan officer on-hand at closing boosts member satisfaction and improves CUs' relationships with real estate agents and title companies.
March 27CU Members Mortgage -
As part of the broad regulatory review, the Treasury secretary should consider a blue-ribbon panel to look at modernizing policies on everything from consumer disclosures to wealth accumulation.
March 23Orrick -
President Trump’s proposed cuts to programs providing credit options for low-income and underserved communities would have a particularly negative effect in states that voted for him.
March 20Credit Builders Alliance -
Banks are losing wealthier underbanked customers to alternative lenders — an undercurrent that is halting progress in expanding credit access for all.
March 17Aite Group -
Bankers hope that new tax policy will respect the role of tax-assisted community development programs in encouraging business investment in distressed areas.
March 6Boston Private Bank -
Customer outreach is far from the actual core function of bank marketers: producing bottom-line results.
March 3Liberty Bank -
The current partisan war over the Dodd-Frank Act is just one dispute in a broader ideological divide about the government’s role in industry.
March 3 -
Under the Trump administration, the challenge for the industry is to find the proper balance between supporting post-financial crisis regulations that have worked well and campaigning for reform efforts that have been ineffective.
March 2 -
With the new administration and eventual new leadership of the regulatory agencies, banks’ calculus that agreeing to consent orders is usually the right course is potentially changing.
March 2MWWPR -
As banking leaders gain a more substantial policymaking role, they will have a greater impact if they stake out a clear position in favor of regulations that protect investors and depositors.
February 27CLP Strategies