A series of changes to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act go into effect on March 26 that closes the so-called "lead generation loophole" for telemarketing calls and texts.
March 26FormFree -
The questions about whether the Home Loan banks receive a public subsidy has been settled. All that remains is for lawmakers to take steps to redirect that subsidy toward public benefits rather than corporate profits.
March 21 -
Large U.S. companies with global footprints, including many in the financial services space, have developed their privacy practices to comply with the EU's Global Data Protection Regulation. Many observers expect this will be the case with AI as well, writes the Senior Regulatory Counsel at Covius Compliance.
March 15Covius -
Continued failure to bring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship will lead to see-saw mortgage policy every time the White House changes hands, which is against the intent of the GSE statutes that indicate a desire for stable secondary markets, writes the Principal at public affairs firm TVDC.
March 5TVDC -
Until Congress addresses the federal deficit, the tendency will be for higher long-term interest rates regardless of what the Fed does with the short end of the yield curve, writes the Chairman of Whalen Global Advisors.
March 1Whalen Global Advisors LLC -
To honor Stevens, who started in the secondary market where dry mortgage notes are sold to investors, let's delve into why the B3E proposal is badly constructed.
January 17Whalen Global Advisors LLC -
The executive director of the Community Home Lenders of America games out the best-case scenario for independent mortgage banks in the year ahead.
January 12Community Home Lenders of America -
The chairman of Whalen Global Advisors outlines the policy agenda of home lenders' dreams for the year ahead.
December 14Whalen Global Advisors LLC -
Internet-based banks are siphoning deposits away from urban centers in the U.S. and, unlike brick-and-mortar banks, face no requirement that they loan money back into those communities.
December 11 -
Too few lenders are underwriting unsecured consumer debt, which could help borrowers pay down credit card balances with little risk to lenders.
December 11