Ian Ferreira, founder of LiquidFi, sees immense potential in blockchain, even if hype
"Blockchain technology was used as a buzzword for a long time and it shouldn't be," said Ferriera. "It really should be a technology that lives in the background, but makes everything much more efficient, much more transparent, and at the end of the day, saves costs for everybody. That's the goal."
Before starting his company, Ferriera was a portfolio manager at a hedge fund, a job which ended up revealing "interesting complications" related to the mortgage industry.

Being a mortgage trader opened up Ferriera's eyes to many operational and infrastructural issues that needed fixing in the mortgage-backed securities space, he said. This later led to the inception of LiquidFi.
"The whole point of what we do is to get raw data attached to an asset [a loan] on a blockchain so that it's provable. You reduce that trust issue because you have the data, you have the document that is associated with that data," LiquidFi's CEO said.
Ferriera chatted with National Mortgage News about the value of blockchain technology, why excitement around blockchain has fizzled out and why it shouldn't.