Credit scores on closed loans reached five consecutive months of decline in October, according to Ellie Mae.
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Meanwhile, the average Federal Housing Administration refinance FICO score dropped 7 points, to 654, and the average Veteran Affairs purchase loan FICO score fell to its lowest level since April, 705.
Debt-to-income ratios have simultaneously increased, averaging 25% on the front end and 39% on the back end. But the closing rate stayed level, at 71%.
The impact of "Know Before You Owe," the filing disclosure rules implemented in early October, remains to be seen, said Ellie Mae's president and CEO Jonathan Corr in a Nov. 18 press release.
"The time to close loans remained a constant 46 days for yet another month, while the closing rate on purchased loans has stayed above 70%," he noted. "We may begin to see time to close increase in the November data as the new closing disclosures are utilized for the first time."